Letters To Gov. Abbott
Asking for Immediate Release of Delicia
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Dear Governor Abbott,
I am writing to you to request your immediate approval of granting Delicia Carmichael clemency. While I’m sure you’re aware by now of the facts of Delicia’s case, I urge you to stop and fully consider the implications of her personal history and the kind of unspeakable trauma and harm she’s been through. Governor Abbott, I am asking you to genuinely consider what it would mean to have endured what Delicia has endured up to this point; to imagine yourself for a moment in her position, with her history.
Delicia was first trafficked by her own mother at the age of 4 and sexually abused by her grandfather at the age of 5. At 14, she was introduced to an 18 year old man by her mother, who would later become her trafficker. She had been through 35 different foster homes by age 15, was separated from her younger brother, and was repeatedly sexually exploited throughout her adolescence.
Delicia believed that her trafficker loved her due to his manipulation and her lack of knowledge on healthy relationships. However, she also feared him due to the abuse she would endure by him if she did not do as she was told. She was continuously sold for sex as a minor for the benefit of others.
When Delicia was 15, her trafficker devised a plan to rob the 34 year old man who was seeking to have sex with Delicia. When Delicia was brought to the meeting, however, her trafficker pulled a gun out at the man and attempted to rob him. The man tried to escape as he shot at him. Eventually both Delicia and her trafficker were arrested.
Although Delicia was only 15, she was charged as an adult for a felony and recieved a sentence of 20 years. However, her trafficker only received 15 years. This is an example of the judicial system’s gross injustice in action. A minor cannot consent to sexual favors, however she was forced to engage in sexual acts and be present during this crime by her trafficker, who was an adult male.
The judicial system has continuously wronged victims like Delicia. Legislation must be drafted, policy enacted, and you must right this horrific injustice that Delicia has experienced by remedying this wrong.
Granting Delicia clemency will not undo the brutal trauma she has endured, but it will curtail the injustice that continues to unfold with each day she remains imprisoned, cut off from communicating with her loved ones, and unable to receive the proper mental health care and support that she requires, especially in the midst of this deadly global pandemic.
I am asking you to grant Delicia clemency. This injustice cannot go on.
Asking for Immediate Passing of Bill 1771
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Step 2: Send it to Gov. Abbott by clicking HERE
Dear Governor Abbott,
I am writing to you to request your immediate action on passing a law that protects sex trafficking victims in your state; House Bill 1771, authored by Rep. Shawn Thierry, D-Houston. In 2019, a bill was proposed that would protect victims of sex trafficking and grant them clemency, however you vetoed it. I ask you to genuinely consider what it would mean to have endured what these women have endured; to imagine yourself for a moment in their position.
One of these women that should have been protected under this bill you vetoed was Delicia Carmichael. At age 15, she was charged as an adult with a felony for aggravated robbery and kidnapping and sentenced 20 years. However, her adult male trafficker was charged for robbery and only sentenced 15 years. This is a clear example of the gross injustice that our judicial system makes victims like Delicia endure.
Delicia was forced to be present during this crime that was committed by her trafficker. Women like Delicia deserve justice, not to be double victimized by the criminal justice system. Legislation must be drafted, policy enacted, and you must right this horrific injustice that these women have experienced by remedying this wrong.
There needs to be legislation passed that first protects all minors under the age of 18 in Texas against prostitution charges, as children cannot consent to sexual acts. Secondly, there needs to be legislation passed that protects all sex trafficking victims in Texas from doing time for a crime they were forced or coerced into committing by their trafficker.
I am asking you to right the wrong you made by vetoing a bill that would protect these women and children. This injustice cannot go on.